Microsoft Teams Request

Please complete the form below to request a Microsoft Teams site.

Please review the security classifications at the bottom of this page. Most sites will fall into the top two PII classifications. For sites outside of those classifications, contact the platform administrator at the link below.

  • Teams requests should be completed within two (2) business days.
  • Upon completion, the business owner(s) will be able to add users to the Teams site.

  • I acknowledge and agree to the DIT Cloud Services Governance Policy.

Security Classifications

The following security classifications apply. For questions or additional information, please contact your platform administrator.

  • PII - Personally Identifiable Information e.g. team will include SSN or biometrics data.
  • PII - Non Sensitive e.g. team may include email addresses, names, contact lists, phone numbers, etc.
  • HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act e.g. team will include health records, substance abuse set, etc.
  • CJI - Criminal Justice Information
  • FTI - Federal Tax Information e.g. team will include tax returns
  • PCI - Payment Card Industry Information
  • Security Information - passwords, etc.